The real reason why people should start social media marketing using SocialPilot

3 min readMar 2, 2022

In this article, you’ll know my experience with the SocialPilot marketing tool

edited by Josh72

I recently started running a business that I decided to start as my hobby. It had a lot of success with one of the biggest advantages being it was easy for me to work from my own home, without needing to take up real estate or even leave my current apartment (because I have a small studio). However, it still wasn’t enough because I wanted to make money too! And not only did this cause some problems because people don’t always want to pay at their job anymore, but they aren’t willing to pay for services such as a social media manager or an online course that teaches them everything about writing and has over 1 Million followers.

So I went through Facebook and Twitter and tried to look into every option that would help me grow my audience, which in turn would increase the amount of income from my site and create a better product for my users and myself. The first thing I came across was called Social Media Optimizer by Max Jerman in his article “How to Make Money on Facebook.” In it, he recommends that you use SocialPilot to generate income so that you can run your content marketing campaigns from home. With no experience with anything like it, the idea looked very appealing to me.

I decided to give it a shot and I downloaded all the free tools and applications that homecoming with it to try it out. Since I started running ads on the website, I got a good bit of traffic to my new page and I realized I was getting paid for it and it was helping me earn more money than before (because of course, there is still a lot of profit if someone clicks on your ad). All of a sudden, I was excited to see what SocialPilot could bring to my life and how much easier it was to just make money online again from the comfort of my own home!

How will SocialPilot benefit my business?

I thought that once I was able to get going with SocialPilot, it wouldn’t go away. After starting my first campaign and making more money at this time of year, I thought that maybe something similar will happen as well. But I soon discovered I was mistaken and I learned some important things that could benefit both me and my business. I was able to get a great deal on advertising on Facebook, Instagram(which can be pretty expensive) and now I am selling more products using SocialPilot. This will not only put us in the mindset of promoting our brand on the internet more, but it also means we are more organized when it comes to creating ads, posting pictures, making videos, etc.

If I look at my analytics for SocialPilot it looks like almost none of those ads have seen a result yet and I already saw results on a couple of others since the beginning of the campaign. Not only is that good news for our business, but it also shows that SocialPilot works well for many different businesses including ours. Even though these are only two businesses that have used SocialPilot, I know other businesses have been able to get results in a matter of minutes as well! If nothing else, this helps me sleep better at night knowing I have the best chance of generating income that comes from doing what I love most!

Socialpilot is an excellent platform and I highly recommend making your own or seeing how people are making money using it themselves. There are thousands of ways to make passive income at home too! Just take the time to research yourself and find the right options for you that may or may not be in your area. You never know what may make all the difference! Trust me when I say there is something to lose and gain.

